Minimum Wage as Living Wage


Whereas: The average minimum wage between the western Canadian provinces of BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba is $15.26;

Whereas: Saskatchewan has the lowest minimum wage in Canada at $14, and exempts vulnerable groups from this protection;

Whereas: the average minimum wage in Canada is not considered a living wage, and financial insecurity contributes to mental health problems;

Whereas: Saskatchewan has high rates of mental health problems, inadequate access to mental and physical healthcare, and frequently the lowest resident retention rates in all of Canada;

Whereas: Saskatchewan’s high rate of out-migration has negative impacts on the economy and weakens our political bargaining power in Canada;


Be It Resolved That: A SPP government will increase the minimum wage to $20 by 2025.

Be It Further Resolved That: a SPP government will increase the minimum wage to a living wage following implementation of appropriate utility pricing, rent controls, and other economic policies