Whereas: technology and automation have been main contributors to wage stagnation and to the steadily declining share of Canadian workers’ income over the last 40 years, with nearly half (42%) of Canadian jobs at high risk of automation in the coming years;
Whereas: Guaranteed Livable Basic Income (GLBI) can grow Saskatchewan’s local economy more than it costs while ending poverty, and increasing entrepreneurship by giving everyone the ability to take risks while also significantly improving health and educational outcomes;
Whereas: basic income pilots conducted in Manitoba, Ontario, and B.C. report communities at risk became financially secure, those in Japan showed that interest in starting a business increased by 3.9 times, and in South Korea results showed a 45% increase in local business revenue;
Whereas: 60% of Canadians want GLBI over Universal Basic Income;
Whereas: GLBI shall be defined as “a payment to individuals or families by government that covers the cost of basic necessities (food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and community participation) and is not conditional on meeting employment criteria”;
Be It Resolved That: a SPP government will develop a Fiscal Analysis of a Provincial GLBI within the first 90 days of forming government covering all Saskatchewan citizens over 17 years old.
Be It Further Resolved That: within 30 days of a completed report, the SPP will begin 120 days of consultations with stakeholders and residents to develop a GLBI bill within 12 months after forming government.