Whereas: Research shows that improved indoor air ventilation and filtration increases cognitive function leading to improved student test scores, performance, and fewer sick days;
Whereas: Research shows that improved indoor air ventilation and filtration increases cognitive function leading to improved employee performance, productivity, retention rates, and fewer sick days;
Whereas: Improved indoor air leads to fewer teacher sick days, improved retention rates, and fewer sick days for teachers and other staff;
Whereas: Edmonton Public Schools spent only $6 million to place HEPA filter air cleaners (and one-year operating costs) in schools serving 120,000 students and Saskatchewan has approximately 190,000 students;
Be It Resolved That: An SPP government will purchase HEPA filters for all classrooms and learning spaces in its schools.
Be It Further Resolved That: Will immediately provide funds for Cori-Rosenthal boxes in all classrooms, which are as effective as HEPAs in filtering the air, and are a practical teaching tool with students.