First Nations’ Natural Resource Stewardship


Whereas: Our history with the First Nations peoples has been one of exploitation, dismissive attitudes and greed;

Whereas: Saskatchewan has vast untouched natural resources such as fossil fuels, rare earth metals, uranium, metals, potash, and more;

Whereas: the extraction of these resources often causes environmental damage due to underfunded checks and balances;

Whereas: Ontario has a successful resource revenue sharing agreement with its First Nations that is the envy of others across the country;

Whereas: our First Nations have a history of maintaining harmony with the Earth and are invested in environmental health.


Be It Resolved That: an SPP government will pass legislation to give First Nations an equal seat at the table, along with the Government and corporations, when negotiating resource extraction contracts.

Be It Further Resolved That: the legislation will require agreement on the following at a minimum:

  • Environmental sustainability and protection
  • The share of profits for all parties
  • Binding agreements which ensure that extraction activities will not negatively impact communities