The Constitution of the Saskatchewan Progress Party

1. Preamble

The Saskatchewan Progress Party (the “Party”) is committed to the view that the dignity of each individual man and woman is the cardinal principle of democratic society and the primary purpose of all political organization and activity in such a society.

The Party is dedicated to the principles having historically sustained the Liberal Party: individual freedom, responsibility, and human dignity in the framework of a just society, and political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all persons. The Party is committed to the pursuit of equality of opportunity for all persons, and to the enhancement of our unique and diverse cultural community.

In accordance with this philosophy, the Party subscribes to the fundamental rights and freedoms of persons under the rule of law and commits itself to the protection of these essential values and their constant adoption to the changing needs of modern society. The Party is bound by the Constitution of Canada and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and is committed to the pursuit of equality of opportunity for all persons, to the enhancement of our unique and diverse cultural community, to the recognition that English and French are the official languages of Canada, and to the preservation of the Canadian identity in a global society.

The Party recognizes that a democratic system requires all citizens have access to full information concerning policies and leadership of the Party, and opportunity to participate in open and public assessment of such policies and leadership as they deem desirable to promote the political, economic,social, cultural and general well-being of Saskatchewan people.

To realize this objective, the Party strives to provide a flexible and democratic structure; whereby, all Saskatchewan people can obtain such information, participate in such assessment and advocate for such reform through open communications, free dialogue, and participatory action both electoral and non- electoral. This Constitution sets forth the institutions, systems, and procedures whereby the Party works to implement these ideas on behalf of all members.

2. Role and Purpose


The Party shall:

a) advocate and support liberal philosophies, principles, and policies;

b) support constituency associations in all provincial electoral constituencies in Saskatchewan;

c) provide support, direction and leadership to all constituency associations in Saskatchewan and co-ordinate the efforts of Party organizations to create a strong Saskatchewan Progress Party;

d) respect the principle of equal division between men and women in the structure and operations of the Party to the greatest extent possible, reflecting the commitment of the Party to the principle of equality between men and women in the affairs of the Party;

e) respect the principle of equitable representation of indigenous peoples in the structure and operations of the Party and the constituency associations.

3. Membership


The Party shall be open to all who desire to support the Saskatchewan Progress Party. All individuals aged fourteen (14) and over shall be eligible for membership in the Party without discrimination based on race, nationality, or ethnic origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age or mental or physical disability, and:

a) they are ordinarily resident in Saskatchewan;

b) they are not members of any other provincial political party within Canada; and

c) they have paid the membership fee fixed by the Executive of the Party, and the membership application has been duly processed by the Party office.


Any eligible person who wishes to join the Party may do so by applying for and being admitted to membership in the Party.


It is a requirement of membership in the Party that each member affirm his/her acceptance of the principles outlined in the Preamble, and a commitment to:

(a) fairness and equity in all matters within the Saskatchewan Progress Party and with other political parties;

(b) respect the dignity and worth of all people;

(c) the free exchange of ideas among party members and among Saskatchewan and Canadian people;

(d) the full and equitable participation of all members;

(e) respect the laws of Saskatchewan and Canada; and

(f) fairness in electoral competition.


The purchase of a membership in the Party automatically confirms the acceptance of these principles.


Such person shall be admitted to membership upon complying with all membership requirements, providing no member holds membership in more than one provincial constituency association. Party members shall automatically be a member of the constituency association for the constituency in which that member normally resides (this will be the member’s ordinary residence);


A register of members will be maintained by the Party. Every provincial constituency association, recognized club, association or committee shall sign a privacy agreement with the Party and then be entitled to access to the information on their respective members upon request.


A person must be a member in good standing of the Party to be:

(a) eligible for election or appointment to any office or position in the Party, provincial constituency association or any recognized club or association;

(b) eligible to vote at any official meeting of the Party, or provincial constituency association or of any recognized club or association;

(c) eligible to be a delegate at any Convention or Leadership election of the Party.


An Immediate Past Member is a member whose membership has expired within the previous calendar year. An immediate past member shall be entitled to renew their membership at any time prior to the commencement of any Convention or meeting of the Party.


The Provincial Executive shall have the authority to issue a “Letter of Recognition” to any local or post-secondary Young Progress club provided the Provincial Executive is satisfied the club has been properly constituted for due recognition by the Party.

4. Life Membership


The Provincial Council of the Party is empowered to award life memberships in the Party to members who are deemed by the Provincial Council to be deserving, in the sole discretion of the Provincial Council.


A life member shall enjoy the benefits and privileges accorded by the Provincial Council.

5. Suspension and Disqualification from Membership


The Provincial Executive, after ten days written notice to the persons affected and on a two- thirds vote of the members of the Executive present at the meeting, may remove any person from office or suspend or expel any person from membership in the Party.


Any person for whom the removal from office, or the suspension or expulsion from membership is proposed shall have the right to be heard at the meeting of the Provincial Executive at which such removal, suspension, or expulsion is considered.


Any person who is denied membership, whose membership is suspended, or who is expelled from membership and any member who is dismissed from office in the Party, may appeal such decision as a matter of right to a committee. The committee shall consist of the immediate past president of the Party and two other past presidents as selected by the immediate past president. The committee shall hear the appeal within thirty (30) days of receiving notice of appeal.

6. Regional Councils and Directors


The Provincial Executive from time to time shall establish Regional Councils for regions of Saskatchewan to be represented by Regional Directors and shall establish from time to time duties and responsibilities of such Regional Councils.


The Regional Directors shall be elected by the members of the Party constituency associations in each Regional Council within 120 days of each provincial convention.


The President is hereby empowered to call Regional Council meetings for the purpose of electing Regional Directors.


The Regional Directors shall have such powers and duties as assigned by the Provincial Executive or the President.

7. Provincial Executive


Quorum: A majority shall constitute quorum for any meetings of the Provincial Executive.


The Provincial Executive shall consist of the following:

(a) an Honorary President, who shall be the Leader of the Saskatchewan Progress Party;

(b) the President;

(c) the Vice-President;

(d) the Provincial Treasurer;

(e) the Secretary;

(f) the Chairperson of each of the Standing Committees of the Party;

(g) the Chairperson of the Provincial Progress caucus;

(h) the Past President;

(i) Up to five members at large appointed by the Provincial Executive;

(j) The Constitutional Chair;

(k) Legal Counsel;

(l) The Chief Official Agent of the party.


The Provincial Executive as set forth herein shall constitute the Executive of the Party and shall be responsible for the management of the affairs of the Party between Provincial Council and General Meetings.


The Provincial Executive shall meet at least once every three (3) months. The minimum notice for an executive meeting shall be three (3) clear business days; such notice may be waived by unanimous consent of the executive. Meetings may take place in person, by teleconference or by combination of in person and teleconference.


A vote of the Provincial Executive may be taken by email upon any matter proper for its decision and such vote by email shall be valid and binding. The time for response to an email vote shall be three (3) clear business days.

8. Election of Provincial Executive


The President, Vice-President, and the chairs of the nine standing committees shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast by secret ballot at a convention and shall hold office until their successors are elected or named. Balloting for Provincial Executive positions shall be conducted on a “first past the post” simple ballot.


The Treasurer and the Secretary shall be appointed by the Provincial Executive and shall hold office only at the pleasure of the Provincial Executive.


Should any vacancy occur in an office of the Party between conventions, the constituent body or its executive shall have the power to appoint an individual to fill the vacant position until the next convention, or in the case of a position elected at the convention, the provincial executive shall fill the vacant position until the next convention.


At its first meeting following a convention of the Party, the Provincial Executive shall appoint additional members to act on the Provincial Council and Executive until the next convention of the Party as follows:

(a) Legal Counsel;

(b) Constitutional Chair;

(c) The Chief Official Agent of the Party;

(d) Additional members when deemed necessary not to exceed five (5) in number.

9. Duties of the Provincial Executive



(a) The President shall preside at the convention and all other meetings of the Party and the Provincial Council.

(b) The President shall be the official spokesperson for the Party.

(c) The President shall perform all duties incident to the office of the President and shall have such other powers and duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Provincial Executive.



(a) The Vice-President shall be vested with all powers and shall perform all duties of the President in the absence or disability or refusal of the President to act.

(b) The Vice-President shall have such other powers and duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Provincial Executive or the President.



(a) The Treasurer is Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee.

(b) The Treasurer in consultation with the finance chair shall be responsible in the areas of:

i. assistance to constituency associations in the area of financial activity and financial planning;

ii. custody and maintenance of the financial records of the Party;

iii. the preparation and presentation of the annual budget for the Party; and

iv. the preparation, presentation and audit of financial statements of the Party prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

(c) The Treasurer shall have such other powers and duties as assigned by the Provincial Executive or the President.



(a) The Secretary shall cause minutes and written records to be taken and maintained of all meetings and proceedings of the Party and the Provincial Executive.

(b) The Secretary shall have such other powers and duties as assigned by the Provincial Executive or the President.

10. Standing Committees


There shall be nine (9) Standing Committees of the Party as follows:

(a) Finance;

(b) Policy and Resolutions;

(c) Organization;

(d) Strategy and Planning;

(e) Communications and Public Relations;

(f) Indigenous peoples;

(g) Youth;

(h) Gender & Diversity; and

(i) Seniors.


These executive positions shall be elected at each provincial convention.


The membership of each Standing Committee:

(a) shall be the Chairperson together with such other persons as the Chairperson may appoint, with the approval of the Provincial Executive; and

(b) The Provincial Executive may constitute such other Committees as may be required from time to time. The duties and responsibilities of such Committees shall be determined by the Provincial Executive.

11. Provincial Council


The Provincial Council shall be responsible for setting policy and establishing guidelines and limitations to manage the affairs of the Party. The Provincial Council shall be composed of:

(a) The Provincial Executive of the Party;

(b) The Regional Directors;

(c) One representative member from each provincial constituency in Saskatchewan, each such representative member to be the Chair of the provincial constituency association or his/her designate;

(d) All Saskatchewan Progress Party Members of the Legislative Assembly.

12. Meetings of the Provincial Council


The Provincial Council shall meet on the call of the President and the President shall chair all meetings of the Provincial Council.


Twenty (20) persons shall constitute a quorum of the Provincial Council.


The Provincial Council shall meet in person or by conference call at least once each year.


A vote of the Provincial Council may be taken by email upon any matter proper for its decision and such a vote by email shall be valid and binding. The time for response to an email vote shall be three clear business days. If a member of council cannot be contacted by email and has provided the Party office with their contact information, the Secretary of the Party or their designate shall attempt to contact the individual member(s) to receive their vote in the same three clear business days.


All members of the Party shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Provincial Council. The Provincial Council shall have the right to meet and discuss in camera such matters as it may deem necessary. Only members of the Provincial Council may vote on or move a motion. Members of delegations may make presentations on approval of the Provincial Council.


There shall be a minimum of seven (7) days’ notice for a Provincial Council meeting for which teleconferencing has been arranged, and a minimum of 30 days’ notice if there is no teleconferencing arrangement.


The Provincial Council may pass, amend, or vary bylaws from time to time which:

(a) particularize roles and responsibilities of each of the Standing Committees, Executive and members of Provincial Council;

(b) detail procedures to follow in all meetings conducted by the constituency associations;

(c) are required or authorized by this Constitution to be done by the Provincial Council and require rules or regulations with respect thereto.

13. Conventions or Special Meetings of the Party


Subject to 13.2, Conventions of the Party shall be every twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) months and shall be called by the Provincial Executive of the Party, to be held on such dates and at such places as the Provincial Executive may determine.


In a year in which a Provincial Election seems imminent, the Provincial Executive may postpone the Convention to such a date as it may determine.


Notice of a Convention of the Party (the “Call”) shall be posted on the Party’s website and emailed to all members at least forty-five (45) days before the date set for the Convention.


In anticipation of a Convention, the Provincial Executive shall establish an organizing committee to plan and implement the Convention.


The order of business at any Convention of the Party shall be prescribed by the Provincial Executive, subject to the approval of the voting delegates when assembled.


Any member in good standing may attend any Convention, provided they have registered and paid the applicable registration fee as set by the Provincial Executive.


The Provincial Executive may establish reasonable qualifications for voting at a Convention, including but not limited to identification requirements and membership cut-off dates. Any additional voting qualifications must be included in the Convention Notice (the “Call”). The membership cut-off date shall be a minimum of seven (7) days prior to the date of the Convention. Immediate Past Members may renew their membership at any time prior to the meeting to be entitled to vote.

14. Leadership Selection


A Leadership Election shall be held by a direct vote of all members of the Party who have a right to vote on the Leadership, upon the resignation or death of the Leader of the Saskatchewan Progress Party. In the event of the resignation or death of the Leader, the Provincial Council shall appoint an interim Leader of the Saskatchewan Progress Party.


Balloting for a Leadership Election shall be conducted by secret ballot, and in accordance with rules and procedures established by the Provincial Executive. Voting shall be conducted by a majority vote, ranked ballot.


A resolution, to be voted upon by secret ballot, calling for a Leadership Convention shall be placed automatically on the agenda of the Convention next following a provincial general election.


The Provincial Council shall call a Leadership Convention within one year of an
affirmative resolution, the resignation, or the death of the leader. In the event a Leadership Convention is called as result of the secret ballot resolution the Provincial Council shall appoint an interim leader.

15. Constituency Associations


The Provincial Executive may recognize a provincial constituency association if:

(a) a general meeting held for the purposes of the election of a board of directors as per this constitution has taken place;

(b) the members elected to the Board of Directors ensure the proper maintenance of financial records, including providing the Treasurer of the Party an annual financial update including the names of signing officers, account balances, and the bank branch locations;

(c) the association meets all obligations set out in this constitution.


The Provincial Executive may revoke the recognition of any constituency association that ceases to serve its purpose or meet the criteria to be recognized or that engages in actions that are harmful to the Party. The revocation will be performed after written notice is given to the constituency association Board of Directors.


The Provincial Executive may recognize a regional constituency association, whereby the membership of more than one provincial constituency in a contiguous area is represented by an amalgamated association. In such case, the Board of Directors shall include a minimum of one voting director from each represented provincial constituency.


Each provincial constituency association shall be responsible for:

(a) Endorsing and supporting the nominated candidate of the Party for election to the Legislative Assembly;

(b) Engaging in, and supporting, field organizing, outreach and fundraising in the constituency; and

(c) Facilitating input into Party policy by members in the constituency consistent with the policy process established by the Provincial Executive.


In due time prior to a provincial general election or by-election, the Board of Directors of the provincial constituency association shall, in consultation with the Party Leader and the President, convene a meeting for the purpose of nominating a Progress candidate at a time and place approved by the President.


Each provincial constituency association shall have a volunteer Board of Directors with the following positions:

(a) the following elected directors:

i. Chair;

ii. Vice-Chair;

iii. Secretary;

iv. Treasurer;

v. Organization Chair;

vi. Policy Chair;

vii. Fundraising Chair;

(b) up to five (5) voting directors at large appointed by the Board of Directors;

(c) the following additional voting board members:

i. the Progress Member of the Legislative Assembly for the constituency;

ii. the currently nominated provincial candidate for the constituency or if there is no currently nominated individual, the immediate past candidate.



Should any vacancy occur between general meetings of the constituency association, the Board of Directors may appoint individuals to fill vacant positions until the next general meeting.


A Party member may only be a member of one (1) constituency association, that being the constituency in which the member normally resides.


General meetings of constituency associations shall be held every twelve (12) to twenty-four (24) months.


To be eligible to vote at a General Meeting of a constituency association, an individual must hold a valid Party membership seven (7) days prior to the date of the General Meeting or be an Immediate Past Member who renews their membership prior to the meeting.

16. Financial Matters


The Party shall at all times comply with the requirements of any applicable federal and provincial legislation relating to the financing of provincial political parties.

17. Amendment to the Constitution


This Constitution may be amended:

(a) without prior notice being given of the amendment, by the unanimous approval of the voting delegates present at any Convention of the Party; and

(b) by the approval of a majority of the voting delegates present at any Convention, provided a summary of the proposed amendment has been delivered to the members of the Party before, with, or concurrent with, the posting on the Party’s website and emailing of the Call.

(c) Only the Party Executive or the Provincial Council can put forward amendments to the constitution.


The Provincial Council may amend this Constitution by majority vote at a meeting of the Provincial Council, provided a summary of the proposed amendment has been delivered to the members of the Provincial Council in the notice calling the meeting. Any such amendments by the Provincial Council shall remain in force only until the next following Convention and if not then ratified shall be annulled and of no ongoing effect.

18. Interpretation


Unless there is something in the subject matter or context inconsistent therewith, words importing the singular number only shall include the plural and vice-versa, and words importing the masculine gender shall include the feminine gender and vice-versa.


The headings of all sections hereof are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of this constitution.


Meetings with the exception of Conventions and Leadership Elections may take place by conference call at the discretion of the Party President.


Where notice is not specifically defined it shall be deemed to be a minimum of seven days.


Notice for all meetings/Conventions may be given by posting on the Party’s website and email, telephone, fax and/or mail, at the discretion of the Party Executive.

19. Rules of Order


The rules of order for all meetings of the Party shall be those as outlined in “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

Amended at a Convention of the Saskatchewan Progress Party on November 18, 2023