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Kate Tremblay
Regina Northeast
Kate has a background in political science and post-secondary education administration. She is dedicated to affordable housing, accountability, and education, and she will fight for Saskatchewan values of inclusivity, human rights, and equality. Kate is committed to ensure that the community's needs and voices are heard and acted upon.

Jahangir Valiani
Jahangir believes that Sasktachewan needs a strong centralist voice in government with commitment to practical solutions. He has a track record of community involvement and a passion for helping others. Jahangir understands the challenges faced by those who wish to settle in Saskatchewan and is excited about working with the residents of Saskatoon-Stonebridge towards a stronger Saskatchewan.

Nathan Bruce
Regina Elphinstone-Center
Nathan works as a Waste-Management Engineer, and graduated from University of Regina with Masters of Applied Science. He is an advocate for expanding public sector services across the board. Nathan believes Saskatchewan needs a party that will fight for improved labour rights in modern workplaces, and which is committed to democratic election reforms.
Interested in becoming a Saskatchewan Progress Party candidate in the upcoming election? Click here for information!