Medicare: Equal Payments for Virtual Primary Care Visits


Whereas: Primary care physicians in Saskatchewan are paid 10% less for virtual care visits than in-person visits;

Whereas: Physicians have an arbitrary cap of 3,000 virtual care visits per year;

Whereas: Residents with disabilities, chronic health conditions, the elderly, people with children, those without transportation, and those from rural areas experience more challenges attending in-person medical visits;

Whereas: Many medical appointments require no physical examination, lab tests or imaging;


These restrictions force residents who are immune-compromised into entering poorly ventilated spaces with infectious people;


Be It Resolved That: A SPP government will eliminate the cap on the number of virtual care visits per physician and that the online program be expanded.

Be It Further Resolved That: A SPP government will ensure virtual and telehealth visits to physicians are paid at the same rate as in-person visits.