Upgrade Indoor Air Quality in Workplaces


Whereas: Improving indoor air quality has proven to reduce infectious disease transmission as well as the effects of wildfire smoke, molds, bacteria, radon, chemicals and off-gases from building materials and furnishings on long-term health;

Whereas: Research shows that improved indoor air ventilation and filtration increases cognitive function leading to improved employee performance, productivity, retention rates, and fewer sick days;

Whereas: ASHRAE is an international organization dedicated to advancing the arts and science of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration;

Whereas: ASHRAE has approved new, groundbreaking standards to reduce the risk of transmission in indoor spaces and prioritizes requirements for air cleaning and filtration efficiently and cost-effectively (ASHRAE 241);


Be It Resolved That: An SPP government will work with the federal government to implement ASHRAE 241 standards in buildings in Saskatchewan and provide grants to public institutions such as hospitals, long term care facilities, childcare facilities, senior and low-income residences to meet the ASHRAE 241 standard.

Be It Further Resolved That: An SPP government will adopt the ASHRAE 241 standards into the Saskatchewan Building Codes and create a public education campaign about indoor air quality.