Testing Program for Asbestos in Drinking Water


Whereas: There are more than 1,000 kilometres of decades-old AC pipes carrying drinking water in Saskatchewan, accounting for the following known portions of municipal networks:

  • 76% in Weyburn, 73% in Swift Current, and 60% in Regina
  • 46% in Prince Albert, 43% in Moose Jaw, and 30% in Saskatoon;

Whereas: An end-of-pipe water sampling program will provide data necessary to identify areas with the most degraded water quality;

Whereas: Prioritizing the AC pipe replacement funding for communities with the worst water quality will reduce cancer rates in the long run, save the healthcare system more money, and improve the quality of life in Saskatchewan;


Be It Resolved That: A SPP government will immediately fund a research testing program for asbestos fibres in drinking water in every community in Saskatchewan.

Be It Further Resolved That: The results of the testing program will be used to prioritize replacement work in communities with worse water quality.