Education Reform: Primary and Secondary Education
- Return lost public funding;
- Fund creation of a universal Pre-K program;
- Create permanent online options;
- Forge Indigenous partnerships to work towards agreements to ensure equal funding for quality education for all Indigenous communities.
Education Reform: Post-Secondary Education
- Expand permanent online options;
- Re-evaluate the need for the influx of administrative staff and other overhead expansion and establish budgetary overhead/academics ratios to create a balance of expenditures;
- Update and modernize the student loans regime, the goal should be graduation and not profit;
- Stabilize tuition increases by legislating the increases cannot exceed yearly inflation;
- Introduce a Student Housing Tax Credit to help them cope with rising housing costs, in addition to the education property tax renter’s rebate;
- Increase funding for our Northern communities understanding that location should not be a detriment to quality education at the post-secondary level.