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Our Policies: Support for Families and Communities

Tax Reform
  • Increase the Saskatchewan Basic Personal Amount an individual can earn before starting to pay income from $16,065 to a number commensurate with a current full time minimum wage position in the province;
  • Increase the Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit (SLITC) to double its current amount;
  • Eliminate the Education portion of property tax;
  • Implement PST exemptions for all basic/essential goods;
  • Allow for input tax credits for businesses which will ensure it is applied only when a final product or service is provided to the consumer;
  • Eliminate PST from all insurance products sold in Saskatchewan.
Affordable Housing
  • Expand existing support for assisted home ownership programs which achieve the goal of home ownership and increase the set of life skills in maintaining a home;
  • Create a roundtable on sustainable communities, bringing together the policy and resources of the three levels of government, the business community, NGO’s, not-for-profit groups, and co-operatives to develop a strategy to provide affordable housing in Saskatchewan communities;
  • Work in partnership with aboriginal leadership and communities and with the federal government to invest in affordable housing for our growing urban Aboriginal population;
  • Develop tax incentives to encourage private sector, organizations, and individual involvement in affordable housing initiatives.
Towards Gender Equality
  • Implement Mainstreaming, which ensures a gendered lens is applied to policies, resource allocation, research, and legislation, and allocate increased budgeting and resources towards this process;
  • Invest at the community level, through increased funding and support, towards expanding social services and programs which are necessary to promote gender self-determination in the private and public sectors;
  • Improve the province’s childcare system to align with the OECD’s benchmarks on childcare;
  • The SPP is committed to promoting educational awareness of gender issues;
  • The SPP is committed to increasing gender diversity within our ranks.
Double the Value of Recycling Deposits
  • Implement a 100% increase in the value of all container deposits.
Taking Care of our Seniors: Home Care
  • Invest substantially in homecare infrastructure;
  • Create minimum care standards for seniors in long term care;
  • Appoint a Seniors Advisor for the Province to represent and advocate for Seniors at the governmental level.
  • Provide the same financial support and health benefits to all individuals unable to work due to health reasons, regardless of formal status of disability;
  • Support programs that provide additional support and aids to assist individuals to improve health and possibly regain independence.
Social Assistance Benefits
  • Implement the following:
    a) Social Assistance be redesigned from the ground up writing a new, simpler Act;
    b) scrap Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) and replace with a more effective benefit package;
  • Reinstate the Rental Supplement including the following:
    a) all Social Assistance clients will receive the Rental Supplement;
    b) the Rental Supplement will subsidize rents to the cost of the average rent in Saskatchewan;
    c) any resident who pays more than 40% of gross income towards rent will qualify; clients will be subsidized from 40% of income up to average rent or actual, whichever is less;
  • Social Assistance rates will be indexed to inflation;
  • Social Assistance clients will have actual cost of utilities paid directly;
  • Social Assistance clients will receive enough assistance such that they are no longer having to sacrifice food or rent;
  • Simplify rules for Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) whereby any client with a disability, who needs any type of assistance and whose quality of life is affected by the disability, qualifies for SAID. This includes ensuring SAID applications no longer assume that a permanent disability has suddenly, miraculously been healed.
Increase Funding Allocated to Saskatchewan Urban Police Forces
  • Provide our Saskatchewan urban police forces with an agreed upon funding increase to serve its raison d’être to serve and protect.